Age is just a number, a celebration of how many trips you’ve taken around the sun. However, beauty has no age limits! I believe all women have a natural beauty no matter what age. Beauty isn’t just physical, but a combination of everything that makes you who you are. That is why my studio offers boudoir shoots for women of any age – as long as they at least 18.

I’ve had boudoir clients in their 50’s and 60’s in my studio. I look forward to the day I can help someone in their 70’s feel better about themself.

Why do women book boudoir shoots?

Deep down, all humans possess a need to feel important, wanted, beautiful and desirable. As we age, the last three feel as if they may be slipping away. Especially with 80% of American women already having negative body issues.

The experience of getting glammed up by a professional makeup artist and getting in front of a camera can be scary. But when you read reviews of boudoir sessions, every client says how much fun they had, how much confidence they gained and how much they love their boudoir photos.

boudoir makeup artist

Does the thought of boudoir scare you?

My clients aren’t models, they are moms, sisters, aunts, friends, co-workers, business owners, women from your church and yes, even grandmothers!

Women who at one time thought,

  • “I could never do that …”
  • “I’m not sexy enough …”
  • “I need to lose weight first …”
  • “I’m not pretty …”

But curiosity set in and they took the chance. They read they were beautiful enough, that their weight wasn’t an issue and neither was age. They saw the reviews and the encouragements from others who took a leap of faith. And they went for it.

They wanted to treat themselves to a day of pampering and feeling like a super model. And they walked away with a new feeling of confidence and empowerment. A feeling that spills over into relationships, work and social life.

My clients go from “I’m not good enough to pull this off.” to “Wow! Do I really look like that?” And if you’ve been thinking any of the thoughts above, you look amazing too and I can help you realize how incredible you really are. Because there is no age limit on whether or not a woman is beautiful and sexy enough for a boudoir photoshoot.

boudoir shoots for older women

Reasons older women schedule a boudoir shoot

  • You’ve raised your children and now it’s time to do something for yourself
  • You’ve lost a spouse
  • You’ve survived a divorce and want to rediscover your sexy
  • You have cancer and want to document your body before treatment.
  • You’ve survived cancer and want to love your body again.
  • To celebrate a milestone birthday!
  • You’ve lost weight and want to celebrate your new look.
  • You’ve gone through menopause and are ready to enter a new chapter in life.
  • Your self-esteem is low and you need to boost your confidence.

As we age, our bodies change. They aren’t what they used to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate yourself. Your body has carried you this far in life, it may show you gave birth, or lost weight, but that’s the beauty of your story. A boudoir shoot isn’t about perfection. It is about self-love and appreciation for all you have done and all you have yet to do.

As a boudoir photographer, I understand your hesitancy. A boudoir shoot may mean stepping out of your comfort zone. But part of building your confidence is taking on something you aren’t sure you can accomplish. Boudoir is like that. Our studio is a safe, no-judgement zone and we offer the support that will help you succeed. The photos will be a beautiful reminder of your strength and of your beauty.

That is why I offer boudoir shoots for women of any (legal) age. Because you deserve to feel beautiful and confident too.

Ready to start planning your Boudoir Experience?
I would love to chat with you and go over all the details of our process, sessions and what you are wanting to create so we can plan the perfect boudoir experience for you.

Ready to chat NOW?
Text me at: 410-596-4127

Office Hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

You may also email me at:

Or just fill out this form and I will be in touch ASAP!