Last week I wrote an article called: How To Boost Your Self-Confidence As A Woman. I got some favorable feedback and decided to expand on that. So here are some daily habits to help improve your self-confidence.

When you lack confidence, you are creating your own roadblocks. You have psyched yourself out of action before you’ve even started. So how can you get out of your own way and start living as a confident woman? Practice!

Just as self-love is an ongoing process, so is developing and keeping your confidence. You have to make confidence a choice. That choice allows you to be more confident. Sounds weird, but it is a mindset just like self-love and body positivity.

So in addition to all of the advice in my last article, here are some exercises for you to create daily habits. By practicing these every day, you will help to improve your self-confidence and that choice becomes easier each time!

DIY Boudoir Photos with phone

1. Stop apologizing for little things …

Running late and kept your friends waiting? Most people would arrive and say “Sorry I’m late …” Instead of apologizing, try saying thank you! “Thank you for waiting for me.” “Thanks for your patience.” By changing from an apology to an attitude of being grateful you aren’t diminishing yourself and showing others you appreciate them. So remove the word “sorry” from your vocabulary!

2. Hype yourself up!

Whenever you see your reflection, instead of searching for flaws, look for something positive. Then, sincerely compliment yourself on that feature. “My god I love my smile!” “My eyes are so sparkling today!” “Wow my hair looks great!”

It may seem strange at first, but by making it a habit every time you see your reflection, you are giving yourself positive affirmations. It becomes second nature and is so much better than allowing your inner critic to tear you down.

3. Develop your own love language …

If you like physical touch, spend some extra time on your skin care routine. Rub in lotion slowly, massage your legs or feet.

If you prefer little gifts that remind you someone loves you, get yourself something you’ve wanted. Show yourself you are committed to loving yourself.

Like love notes? Write yourself some affirmations and place them around the house and your work space where you can see them each day.

These are the languages of which I speak and they will help you to feel loved and supported. It’s an I’ve got my own back type of moment that breeds confidence.

How To Take Good Boudoir Selfies With Your Phone

4. Reflect on your needs …

Self-reflection is a way to discover what you want out of life. Start by identifying all the areas of your life, the needs, desires, yeses and no’s. Then, decide what you want in your life.

Say no to things that won’t make you happy or allow you to live the life you want. Make room for things that are yeses and open yourself to adventures that make your heart soar.

Most people operate on auto-pilot, drifting through life and taking what comes your way. Self-reflection is like adding a motor to your boat to get you where you want to go.

By practicing these habits to help improve your self-confidence every day, you’ll grow in confidence every single day.

Thomas Crowl is a boudoir photographer based in Westminster, Maryland. His studio helps women regain their self-confidence and self-esteem through intimate portraiture. To learn more about how a boudoir experience can help you regain your self-confidence, contact the studio for a free consultation call.

Ready to start planning your Boudoir Experience?
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