The location of a boudoir photoshoot plays a big part in the quality of the final images. There is studio boudoir photography, rental boudoir, in-home boudoir photography and outdoor boudoir. Today I’ll talk about each style to help you decide which one may be right for you.

Studio Boudoir Photography

Studio boudoir photography requires a good-size investment by the boudoir photographer. Creating a luxurious bedroom setting that offers a variety of photographic choices isn’t cheap. Add an elegant dressing/makeup table, full length mirror and other boudoir props to that. Then there are the blankets, throws, sheets and pillows that allow the client to select their look. You can see how it quickly becomes an expensive venture to open a boudoir studio.

Next comes the professional cameras and lighting equipment. Even photographers who use natural light should have lights on hand. Scheduling your shoot requires coordinating the schedules of three people, you, the photographer and the make-up artist. You don’t want your boudoir photographer to cancel because it is cloudy!

All this effort & equipment goes into shooting supermodels, there is no reason you shouldn’t receive the same type of attention!

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Shot in my home studio – shared with written permission of client.

In recent years wedding photographers saw the popularity of boudoir growing. Some started adding boudoir to their offerings. Without a dedicated boudoir studio, they looked for alternatives to making the investment.

Rental Property Boudoir

Rental properties like hotels and Air BnB’s became a popular way for some photographers to create settings for boudoir. There are pluses and minuses when it comes to rentals.

Check-in is usually late afternoon, which means you are forced to have an evening session. An early morning session before check-out is also possible, but timing is a factor. If make-up or outfit changes takes longer than expected the shoot has to shorten so you can get out on time. Another option is a multi-day rental, which obviously costs more.

Cost is also a factor, since most photographers expect the client to pay for the rental over and above the cost of their services. This adds to the price of your experience, where as a studio boudoir photoshoot is price inclusive.

Finally, some Air BnB’s won’t allow photoshoots on their premises. This is a result of unscrupulous photographers who created problems for the owners. You’ll want to ask, because the last thing you want to do is book a space and find out if you share anything on social media you could get sued.

Rental Property Boudoir / Hotel Boudoir – photo shot in a hotel room – shared with permission of client.

In-Home Boudoir Photography

Some clients are most comfortable at home, so in-home boudoir photoshoots are a possibility. You’ll want to use rooms that get plenty of natural light. Before the shoot, you’ll also want to declutter the spaces and make sure nothing is visible that shouldn’t be.

You’ll also want to schedule the shoot for a time when you have the house to yourself. Especially if the boudoir photos are a gift for your partner. Again with scheduling, you want to be positive there won’t be any last minute surprises, such as hubby’s business trip being canceled!

The benefit of an in-home boudoir photography shoot is that not only will you be more comfortable, it is a more intimate setting. It is uniquely you, and your photos will be completely personalized.

in home boudoir photography

In-Home Boudoir Photography – photo shot in client’s home – shared with written permission of client.

Outdoor Boudoir

If your comfort level of boudoir is daring, an outdoor boudoir photoshoot can be a lot of fun! I have shot beach boudoir and snow boudoir, along with shoots in wooded areas. They can be challenging but the results are always amazing.

outdoor boudoir fashion swimsuit photography

Outdoor at a Waterfall in the Woods – shared with written permission of client.

Things to consider with outdoor shoots are:

You (and/or your photographer) will want to scout your intended location before the shoot. This allows you to find suitable areas to take photos and you will be more efficient the day of your session.

If you intend to wear lingerie or expose yourself in any fashion, you will want to make sure you are on private property. Naturally you will need permission to be there if you don’t own said property. You’ll need to make sure that you won’t be seen and there is no chance of a minor, or anyone else in the area. This is two-fold, you don’t want to get arrested and you also don’t want to be molested.

beach boudoir censored nude shot

Beach Boudoir – Be careful of your surroundings! – Shared with written permission of client.

Weather and time of day will play a big part in your shoot. Keep an eye on your weather app leading up to the shoot. Your photographer can discuss the time frame that will allow you to have the most favorable light.
snow boudoir photo edited

Snow Boudoir – Makeup & Hair By Catlin Robin – Client: Anna

If you decide to try beach boudoir or snow boudoir, please read those linked articles for more tips related to the specific settings.

Hopefully this overview of studio boudoir photography and other alternatives was helpful. I wish you the best for your boudoir experience, and if I may be of service don’t hesitate to reach out!


Ready to start planning your Boudoir Experience?
I would love to chat with you and go over all the details of our process, sessions and what you are wanting to create so we can plan the perfect boudoir experience for you.

Ready to chat NOW?
Text me at: 410-596-4127

Office Hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

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Or just fill out this form and I will be in touch ASAP!