Do you own who you are? Do you even know what it means to own yourself and your life? Or are you searching for the answer?

People suffer from insecurities. We worry we aren’t enough, didn’t do enough or aren’t what others believe we are. All of these worries are about how others think about us. And we can’t control that.

“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.”

– Coco Chanel

The saying: “Don’t worry if some people don’t like you, most people don’t even like themselves.” is so true. So why do we care?

The anxiety of insecurity

The worries created from our insecurity causes anxiety that affects our lives. If you struggle with self-confidence or chasing perfection, you understand what I mean.

Questions swirl through your mind:

  • I am good enough?
  • Am I pretty enough?
  • Is my body too skinny or too fat?

And the list of questions goes on.

You lack self-awareness and the anxiety begins to affect your work, social and romantic life. If you don’t deal with it, anxiety can cause mental and physical health issues.

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own who you are quote

What does “own who you are” mean?

To me, “own who you are” is to be comfortable in your own skin. It is about self-love and self-acceptance.

I believe owning who you are is the confidence to understand your strengths and weaknesses. To accept your body and personality. The ability to be yourself and not worry about what others may think.

Owning yourself means accepting the fact you aren’t perfect and being honest about your imperfections. They make you human.

You don’t put on a “front” but are honest about who you are and act accordingly.

Owning your flaws allows people to look past them to see your positive attributes.

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own who you are quote

You don’t need to do this by yourself

Some people will be able to read articles on accepting themselves and be able to take action. It isn’t an easy road, it takes time and there will be set-backs. The key is to not condemn yourself when they happen, but accept them and then move forward when you can.

Others may need a therapist to work through their insecurities. There is no shame in that. I have seen therapists at several points of my life. Finding a good therapist can be life changing and if you feel you need one, I definitely recommend it!

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own who you are quote

Living life on your terms

Owning yourself is an important part of personal development. Everyone has different traits, temperaments, backgrounds and circumstances. Reaching a point where you are comfortable enough to be yourself will attract others like you. When you own who you are, you can live life your way, on your terms.

About Thomas Crowl Boudoir Photography:

As a boudoir photographer, I help women overcome their insecurities. Boudoir photography allows women to step out of their comfort zone in a safe, supportive, non-judgemental environment. Clients are able to see themselves in a new way that is a confidence building step on their way to body-positivity and owning themselves.

If you’d like to learn more about boudoir photography, reach out to my studio using the form below:

Ready to start planning your Boudoir Experience?
I would love to chat with you and go over all the details of our process, sessions and what you are wanting to create so we can plan the perfect boudoir experience for you.

Ready to chat NOW?
Text me at: 410-596-4127

Office Hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

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Or just fill out this form and I will be in touch ASAP!