Do you ever have trouble seeing yourself as sexy? When life keeps you running, it can be hard to devote the time to nurturing that magnetic and irresistible woman inside of you. You may even be wondering, what is sexy anymore?

Sexy isn’t beauty. Weight, shape or size has nothing to do with sexy either. It isn’t an outfit you wear or a good hair day. Sexy can be found in a pair of heels, or a pair of running shoes and sweat pants.

Sexy is a state of mind.

That is one of the benefits of boudoir photography. When you lose your sexy, boudoir helps you step out of your comfort zone to find your inner vixen, Goddess or siren.

Sexy vs. beauty

Beauty is pleasing to the eyes, but there is no set definition. Everyone likes different things. Some men like blondes, others brunettes and others redheads. There are guys who like a woman with “meat on her bones”, others may like there woman wafer thin and there is a whole range in between. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

Sexy goes beyond looking and invites interaction. People are more likely to approach a sexy woman than a beautiful woman. If you are looking to create a romantic bond, sexy wins out more of the time.

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1. Confidence is sexy

Confidence is sexy and for some, elusive. It is said over 80% of American women have body image issues. When you are insecure, it can be hard to project confidence.

That is one of the benefits of boudoir. It helps a woman stop seeing herself from bad angles in the mirror and helps her see herself through someone else’s eyes. When you read client reviews about boudoir, they always mention the boost of confidence they receive from the photoshoot.

Most men are attracted to a confident woman who isn’t afraid to be herself. Believing in yourself and what you do will definitely up your level of sexy.

2. Friendliness

When thinking about sexy, friendliness probably wouldn’t make it to number two on a man’s list. (Well, this man puts it there.) So if it isn’t high on anyones’ list, why is it here?

Because men want a woman they can talk to, share things with, laugh with and is kind. Just like you, a man doesn’t want to be judged. Friends don’t judge you, they accept you for who you are.

It doesn’t matter how attractive you are, if you aren’t friendly, most men will pass on by.

3. A sense of humor

Funny people are smart enough to look at the world around them and poke fun at contradictions. Smart is sexy, therefore, so is a sense of humor.

Guys appreciate a woman who will laugh at their jokes, but it can’t be a one way street. A woman who doesn’t join in and offer up her own sense of humor is like talking to a wall. Eventually with no input the conversation dries up and the man will move on.

There will be some guys who feel threatened by a woman with a keen sense of humor and intelligence. If so, it is no great loss as they are insecure in themselves and have to work out their issues before they will become relationship material.

4. Being liked

Remember the excitement back in school when your friend went over to tell a boy you liked him. School was school, and men don’t react the same way in the real world. If you like someone, let them know you are interested in them. It definitely means being vulnerable, but many romances start when someone finds out the other is attracted to them.

5. Personality is sexy

Scientific studies say that open, conscientious and agreeable people make better mates. People on the other end of the spectrum, according to scientists, tend to go through more failed relationships.

I’m not a scientist, but I do know I’d rather hang out with someone who has a pleasant personality. How about you?

6. Interesting conversation

What you talk about can capture someone’s interest. Having an emotional connection is a very sexy conversation. Keeping it light and superficial, not so much.

7. Feelings

People love to be around people who make them feel good. If you are fun to be around, you are extremely sexy!

Sexy is powerful and loving yourself the way you are. You don’t need to change to be sexually attractive, you need to be confident that you are.

And don’t change yourself to suit someone else’s idea of the perfect woman. Be yourself and know perfection is an illusion. No one is perfect, and changing yourself for another isn’t a situation that leads to happiness.

If you suffer from lack of confidence or body image issues, consider trying to see yourself in a new light. Reach out to my Maryland Boudoir Studio to discuss how a boudoir photoshoot may be just the thing to empower you to reach your sexy best!

Ready to start planning your Boudoir Experience?
I would love to chat with you and go over all the details of our process, sessions and what you are wanting to create so we can plan the perfect boudoir experience for you.

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Text me at: 410-596-4127

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